Click on the hand to watch the filler in full.
Rabies Kills (1983)
Rabies hasn’t been present in the UK for decades, but if caught and left untreated, it is almost always deadly. The 1983 filler Rabies Advice uses simple but effective semiotics to show the real dangers of a rabies infection. Made by Richard Taylor Cartoons, of ‘Charley Says’ and ‘Protect and Survive’ fame, the filler gives simple instructions of how to prevent rabies. It can be broken down into three key parts: the visual of a person washing their hands to keep the wound clean, then the hands morph into a medical cross to symbolise access to medical care and finally very cleverly the medical cross morphs into a cemetary cross to represent what happens if rabies is untreated. PIFs don’t always need to be graphic violence and gore, the severity of the voiceover, the subtle music and excellent use of semiotics go far enough in this filler to get the message across.